Monthly Archives: August 2019

How do we know that God exists?


“An atheist is a man who looks through a telescope and tries to explain all that he can’t see.” – Anonymous

Does God exist?

This question continues to baffle many minds. The answer to the question never seems to be enough. That’s understandable because God is not a physical ordinary being. We know some of His attributes. He is love. He is faithful to His promises. He is merciful. He is patient. He is slow to anger. He is just. He is spirit. He is eternal. He is holy. He is omnipotent. He is omnipresent. He is omniscient. Yet He is mysterious too. But the very fact that some attempt so aggressively to disprove His existence is actually an argument for His existence.

The Bible– written because God exists:

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The Bible begins with a majestic statement. The Bible does not seek to prove that God exists. Rather, its authors wrote the Scriptures with the knowledge that He does exist. They have no doubt or uncertainty about the existence of God. The very first verse of the Bible…

  1. denies atheism (the doctrine that there is no deity),
  2. disclaims polytheism (the belief in or worship of more than one god) and
  3. rejects pantheism (a doctrine that equates God with the forces and laws of the universe).

It proclaims the one eternal Creator. It proclaims the existence of God before and apart from all else. God does not exist in created or man-made things. Difference between the word ‘made’ (asah in Hebrew) and the word ‘created’ (bara in Hebrew)… ‘Made’ means only transformation of existing substances. But the Hebrew word for ‘create’ expresses the origin of something new, as only God can. The Creation is an absolute beginning, a creating of something out of nothing.

The atheist– the fool:

Atheism is not a new phenomenon nor is it the result of advancement in science or human knowledge. People who deny the existence of God can be traced back to ancient times.

Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.

The “fool” is neither ignorant nor an atheist. The word is synonymous with the wicked, who aggressively and intentionally flouts his independence from God and his commandments. The “fool” in his heart denies the practical import of God’s existence. He shuts off the affairs of this world from divine intervention and denies any personal accountability to God for his actions.

The problem of human suffering:

The world is ravaged by problems and difficulties of all sorts. The question we often hear is, “If there is a God, why is He not doing anything about them?” Our worldly problems, trials and difficulties do not mean there is no God. There is action and reaction. To every effect there is a cause. Through the disobedience of Adam, sin entered man. Our relation with God was severed. Besides this we commit sins too. We are sinners living in a fallen world. Hunger and poverty, personal and social problems, wars and strife, sickness and death, natural disasters and calamities will always be there with us. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar to know that something is wrong. We have so many problems. But sin is our greatest problem. And because of sin physical death is inevitable and it will come sooner or later. But worse than physical death is spiritual death, which means separation from God. But Jesus died to pay the penalty of our sins. And by grace through faith in Him we can have eternal life…. reunited with God.

A way to evade accountability:

People claim to reject God’s existence because it is “not scientific” or “because there is no proof.” The true reason is that once they admit that there is a God, they also must realize that they are responsible to God. If God exists, then we are accountable to Him for our actions. If God does not exist, then we can do whatever we want without having to worry about God judging us. That is why many of those who deny the existence of God cling strongly to the theory of naturalistic evolution– it gives them an alternative to believing in a Creator God. God exists and ultimately everyone knows that He exists.

Faith is the real key:

Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”

Faith is a present reality, not exclusively the property of past heroes. Faith gives us convictions about creation. Belief in the existence of the world is not faith, nor is it faith when people hold that the world was made out of some preexisting “stuff.” But when we understand that it was the Word of God that produced all things, that is faith.

The visible universe is not sufficient to account for itself. But it is faith, not something material, that assures us that it originated with God. This world is God’s world, and faith assures us that God originated it.

Man’s attempt to find God:

The existence of God is to be accepted by faith. But this does not meant that there is no proof of His existence. In addition to the biblical arguments for God’s existence, there are other arguments.

The universe is the whole of space– time containing matter, energy, and forces. It is the summation of all physical laws and constants. It contains everything from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies. It also includes all biological entities as well as humankind. We live in a tiny globe surrounded by an endless universe. Over the last few thousands of years we are trying to learn, to discover and to understand the ultimate force behind everything we see. This is man’s attempt to find God.

The cosmological argument:

The cosmological argument states that an effect must have a cause. There is a reaction to every action. To every effect there is a cause. This universe and everything in it is an effect. There must be something that caused everything to come into existence. Ultimately, there must be something “un-caused” in order to cause everything else to come into existence. That “un-caused” cause is God.

The moral argument:

Another argument is known as the moral argument. Every culture throughout history has had some form of law. Everyone has a sense of right and wrong. Murder, lying, stealing, and immorality are almost universally rejected. Where did this sense of right and wrong come from if not from a holy God?

The teleological argument:

The teleological argument states that since the universe displays such an amazing design, there must have been a divine Designer. Nothing is random; there is an intricate and complex design in everything… from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. Hence we cannot deny the existence of God who designed and placed everything in its proper place.

“I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence. Everything that surrounds us- everything that exists – proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision.” — Thomas Alva Edison

The universe testifies God’s glory:

Psalm 19:1-4 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”

The glory and wisdom of God are evident in the vastness of space. The universe is a revelation of God’s creation of the magnificent heavenly bodies, which are characterized by radiance and regularity. The verbs “declare” and “proclaim” express the continuous revelation of the heavens. God alone is the Creator; the heavenly bodies are “the work of his hands.”
The cycle of day and night contribute to the regularity of the seasons and thus to the regularity of the agricultural calendar. They reveal “knowledge” in their own distinct “speech.” The “knowledge” is not only knowledge about God but also a special kind, best understood as God’s wisdom, revealed in his creation. Being unrestricted by the division of languages, natural revelation transcends human communication without the use of speech, words, and sounds. To those who are inclined to hear, revelation comes with no regard for linguistic or geographical barriers.

“When a load of bricks, dumped on a corner lot, can arrange themselves into a house; when a handful of springs and screws and wheels, emptied on a desk, can gather themselves into a watch, then and not until then will it seem sensible, to some of us at least, to believe that all these thousands or millions of worlds could have been created, balanced and set to revolving in their separate orbits – all without any directing intelligence at all.” — Bruce Barton

Jesus, the living revelation of God:

The universe (the whole cosmic system of matter and energy of which the Earth is a part) reveals the works of God. This is natural revelation. Than we have the special revelation in the Bible, the Word of God. Jesus is part of that special, a living, walking and talking Word of God.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus did not claim merely to know the way, the truth, and the life. He actually claimed to be the only answer to human problems. Jesus’ solution to perplexity is not a recipe; it is a relationship with him.

He is the way to the Father because only he has an intimate knowledge of God, unmarred by sin. He is the truth because he has the perfect power of making life one coherent experience irrespective of its ups and downs. He is the life because he was not subject to death but made it subject to him. He died to demonstrate the power and continuity of his life. Because he is the way, the truth, and the life, he is the only means of reaching the Father.

Jesus is the only authorized revelation of God in human form, and he is the only authorized representative of humanity to God.

Denying God is without excuse:

Despite all of this, the Bible tells us that people will reject the clear and undeniable knowledge of God and believe a lie instead. Romans 1:25 declares, “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator– who is forever praised. Amen.” The Bible also proclaims that people are without excuse for not believing in God: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities– His eternal power and divine nature– have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse” (Romans 1:20).

A relationship with God:

Besides these we know God exist because of the ways He had touched and so miraculously changed our personal lives with His wondrous love and grace. We sense His presence, we feel His leading, we know His love, and we desire His grace. God has set eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end”. Our lives will feel meaningless and our hearts empty until we get to know God. You can’t fill this spiritual void by denying the existence of God and holding to the theory of evolution (which only makes you a shaved monkey) or anything else. The void in your heart can only be filled by the One who made it.

The Danger of Humanism

When man decide what is wrong and what is right:

In Genesis 11 we find the story of the Tower of Babel. The builders of Babel were the first humanists. Instead of God these first humanists put themselves at the center of their lives and activities. They decided to build a monument to themselves. “Whose top will reach into heaven” expresses their intent to reach into areas that God should have occupied in their lives.

The term “humanism” sounds innocent, even denoting virtue and honor to God’s highest creation. Who could be against the betterment of mankind? When we examine the ideology or philosophy of secular humanism, however, we realize how dangerous it is. Basically, humanism puts man at the center of everything. God is just a crutch or a symbol that the simpleminded use to explain the yet unknowable. Some tenets of humanism:

  1. There is no evidence of the supernatural. God does not exist.
  2. No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.
  3. Beliefs in life after death distract humans from present concerns.Life has meaning only here and now.
  4. Reason and intelligence are the most effective instruments that humankind possesses. There is no substitute.
  5. The right to birth control, abortion, and divorce should be given to all.
  6. The right to euthanasia and suicide should be held by all.

Notice that humanism is focused on man. Religion, God and faith are completely out of the picture. Man decides what is moral and worthwhile.

The builders of the Tower of Babel were full of pride. They did not build in humility and dependence upon God. They sought their own will, not the will of God. They built in vain. The result of their effort was the exact opposite of what they originally intended to do and they were scattered.

“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain” (Psalm 127:1).

  1. This Psalm is a song of ascents of Solomon. This Psalm calls you to recognize and acknowledge that God is the true builder and that all you do must be done in an attitude of humble dependence upon Him.
  2. It calls you to look to God for your security, both on a national and in a personal level.
  3. It calls you to trust God for your safety and the safety of your family.
  4. Your dependence upon God, as Christians, will not produce vain effort. If you seek God’s will in all you do and have, then it is not vain work.

In humility, seek God in all you do. Seek His will. Give to Him your work, your security, your family… and He will bless you

Paul — From Persecutor To Disciple

Who are you, Lord?”

1. Background of Paul:

Paul was born and raised in Tarsus, the chief city of Cilicia and one of the greatest learning centers of the Eastern World. Many people had purchased their Roman citizenship. Paul’s parents were Jews, but they had Roman citizenship too. Paul, though a Jew, therefore had both Jewish and Roman citizenship by birth (Acts 22:25-29). He was a Pharisee, a doctor of the Law (Acts 22:3). He completed his studies in Jerusalem under the most famous rabbi of his time, Gamaliel (Acts 23:6).

Saul was his Hebrew name, named after the first king of Israel. But due to his dual citizenship he was called Paul. Some Bible scholars claim he took the name Paul after his conversion.

Even at a very young age he was a very popular leader. In the beginning Paul actually thought that the followers of Christ were dishonoring the true God. So he was actively involved in the persecution of Christians (Acts 22:4). He was present during the martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 8:1).

2. Conversion of Paul:

Paul went to the chief priests for letters of authority to capture the believers (those who follow the Way) in Damascus and bring them to Jerusalem (Acts 9:1-2).

But on his way to Damascus he was converted by a direct confrontation with the risen Lord. He had to ask, “Who are you, Lord?” (Acts 9:3-5).

By asking that question, Paul discovered the ultimate truth. After his encounter with the risen Lord, Paul remained blind for three days but the Lord sent Ananias to him and he received his sight. Paul was neither one of the twelve who had been with Jesus nor witnessed his resurrection and ascension. He was added into their number (Galatians 1:1). The resurrected Lord commissioned him and the grace of God expressed through Christ authorized him as an apostle and to carry out the gospel to the Gentile world.

3. Christianity won a champion:

The news of Paul’s conversion had come to the Jews as a shock. They saw this young man of great promise united with those whom he formerly persecuted, and fearlessly preaching in the name of Jesus. An ordinary man who left to join the opposing group would not make much difference. Paul was no ordinary man. He was a man of courage, sincere and tireless in everything he did, ever ready to take up responsibilities and filled with great determination. He was among the most learned men. He was endowed with oratory skill and was therefore an eloquent speaker.

The enemies of Christ lost his services. Those to whom he joined gained a great advantage. God in his wisdom and providence did not strike Paul dead on the road to Damascus but converted him. Thus a champion from the side of the enemy was transferred to the side of Christ. As Paul preached Christ in Damascus, all who heard him were amazed. But many hardened their hearts, refusing to respond to his message. Their astonishment at his conversion was changed into intense hatred like that which they had shown toward Jesus. From Damascus he went to Jerusalem. But the disciples hastened his secret escape because the Grecian Jews were conspiring to kill him.

But wherever he went he preached Christ crucified. In the midst all kinds of oppositions he constantly attempted to explain the relationship between Jews and Gentiles in the overall God’s plan of redemption. Undeterred by jealousy, false accusations, false teachers and the Judaizers in the churches of various cities, he wholeheartedly carried out the task given to him by the risen Lord.

4. Conclusion:
Paul became Christianity’s chief theologian and committed missionary to the Gentiles. He was beheaded in A.D. 65. He suffered martyrdom at the hand of Emperor Nero, the fifth Roman emperor. For the apostle Paul no sacrifice for the Lord was too great. Not even lying down his life.

Selie Visa

Paul’s warning to the Galatians

Artificial flowers

Scripture passage: Galatians 1:6-12

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are following a different gospel – not that there really is another gospel, but there are some who are disturbing you and wanting to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell! As we have said before, and now I say again, if any one is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let him be condemned to hell! Am I now trying to gain the approval of people, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ! Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. For I did not receive it or learn it from any human source; instead I received it by a revelation of Jesus Christ.

1. Galatians converts warned:
The words of Paul here may be translated as, “Are you so quickly transferring yourselves– that is, your loyalties to a different gospel?” The Galatians were in the process of defecting, and Paul hoped he was in time to bring them to their senses.

There is only one Gospel, and its trademark is the sufficiency of the shed blood of Christ. Those in Paul’s day who felt it necessary to add circumcision or law-keeping to God’s provision of salvation by grace were not preaching the true Gospel.

Those today who insist that salvation is by grace plus good works are also preaching “a different gospel.”

2. The danger of cultic doctrine:
Many religious sects strongly emphasize righteousness by works. They are highly legalistic and teach, essentially, that man is his own savior. They teach that theirs is the only true Christianity. That they usually have high moral standards and demand much of their members gives these movements an appearance of spirituality.

A churchgoer who is concerned about theological or moral drift in his denomination or local church, but who has little sound biblical understanding, is especially susceptible to the influence of these pseudo-Christian cults.

Unless he is well grounded in Scripture, has a knowledge of the heresies of the sect involved, and is prepared to witness strongly for the Gospel, he is better off politely declining to talk with cultic missionaries.

3. To back out or take a stand?
We should be patient with those who disagree with us on such issues as church government, free will and election, baptism, etc. Christians who are equally sincere and spiritual have honest differences of opinion on these matters. But when crucial points of doctrine are involved– the deity of Christ, His atoning death and bodily resurrection, the inspiration of the Bible, and the like– we are to take an uncompromising stand.

4. False doctrine sends people to hell:
As he indicated in his epistle to Corinth, Paul was much aware of the dangers of personality cults (1 Corinthians 1:12-13).

Often through no fault of a Christian leader, certain members of his immature followers begin to think that they can do no wrong. They begin to measure the Word by their favorite preacher rather than measuring a preacher by the Word. Paul wanted the Galatian believers to understand that the truth of his message was not based on the wisdom or authority of any man, including himself.

“But even if we ((Paul, Barnabas, Silas, or any apostle) or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell! (Galatians 1:8)

Whoever spread any gospel but the true one of salvation by faith in Christ’s atoning sacrifice, should be considered accursed. His leadership should be rejected and his teaching opposed as strongly as possible.

Because the preaching of a false doctrine sends people to hell, this offense is heinous in the sight of God. There is no room for tolerance in dealing with false teachers, since precious souls for whom Christ died are at stake.

5. Paul- ever faithful to his Master:
It responding to the accusations made by Paul’s enemies that he was trying to please man rather than God, Paul says, in effect, “In saying things like these, does it sound like I am trying to win man’s approval? Regardless of what people say, all I want is to please Christ, whose bond-slave I am, and to be loyal to His Gospel at any cost.”

Having warned that to trifle with the Gospel is a serious offense against both man and God, Paul describes the manner in which the uniqueness of the Gospel was revealed to him and preached by him. Paul gave all his allegiance to his Lord, Jesus Christ. He never felt the need to “butter up” any human being. He often called himself “Christ’s bond-servant” or a “steward” whose responsibility was to be faithful to his Master and to seek to please Him alone. He wrote, “For if I preach the gospel, I have no reason for boasting, because I am compelled to do this. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16)

Paul has a sole purpose, to serve Christ by winning people to Him. We should be as winsome and pleasing as self-forgetfulness can make us, and this Paul was. But he strongly denounced sinful compromise. Far from flattering people, Paul preached a Gospel that humbled them.

6. Paul- commissioned by God not man:
Paul’s authority as an apostle stands or falls on the question of his teachings had been revealed to him directly by God or taught to him by other men. If his message was straight from God, obviously he was in a position to speak with with more authority than if he merely proclaimed what someone else had told him. He goes on to prove that it was impossible for him to have been taught by the other apostles at Jerusalem.

Paul’s doctrine was not according to man. It was not the kind of truth that man’s mind would ever have imagined. It came through the revelation of Jesus Christ. The veil that hides Christ from mortal view, was drawn aside for Paul to see.

Prior to his encounter with the risen Lord on Damascus road, Paul had doubtless known a great deal about Christianity. But only after Christ was revealed to him did his whole life changed.


The whole of Scripture, and only the Scripture, is God’s revelation to man. If we want to avoid the Galatians’ heresy, we must master the Word of God. Most Christians spend very little time systematically studying the Bible– or even reading it. Pastors and preachers study the Word to prepare their sermons. Few of those who regularly attend an adult Sunday School class prepare their lessons in advance. Always remember that even the best Bible teachers in the world are no substitute for personal study of the Word of God and meditation on it.

Coveting: The sin no one will admit

1) Scripture passages:
“You shall not covet your neighbour’s house. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.” (Exodus 20:17)

1 Timothy 6:6
“But godliness with contentment is great gain.”

2) Brief introductory note:
In the final commandment of the Ten Commandments (The Decalogue) the key word “covet” is repeated, emphasizing its importance. The word is used in both positive and negative senses. In its positive sense, the word simply means “a strong desire.” Used in the negative sense, the word means “a strong desire for something we have no right to have.”

The last commandment of the Tenth Commandment is not forbidding strong desire in general. It’s the object of the strong desire which crosses the line into coveting. That is why specific objects are named in the verse: “I have no right to possess my neighbour’s wife. Or his house. Or his servants. Or his animals.”

3) We are unhappy and miserable:
If things could make us happy, we’d be in paradise every day. We think “more is better.” It seems the more we have, the less we like it. If having more would make us happy, we would never need the tenth commandment. It is written for unhappy people. If more can make us happy, we are living in an age of limitless things we can have like never before in human history. There are so many brands and models and designs of mobile phones. There are so many luxury cars you can choose from. You can have a huge flat screen TV in your homes and feel like you are in a the best movie hall. Ordinary people have become millionaires within months. From expensive perfumes to designer clothes or even shoes or beds or wrist watches, there is more than you can buy and keep. Yet, people are feeling empty and miserable in spite of having money and almost everything that money can buy.

We think to ourselves, “If only I had……” We can fill the blank with so many things, a new house, a new wife, a new job, a new career, a new start in life. Oh how happy we’d be… If only!

No wonder we’re unhappy. No wonder we’re discontented. No wonder we’re miserable. Coveting has done its evil work within. It has bored its way into our soul, eating away our happiness, leaving us empty, frustrated and angry.

4) The invisible and forbidden sin:
Coveting is an invisible sin. Most of the others sins have some kind of visible manifestation. Coveting is invisible. It is the root of all other sins. Whenever a thing is forbidden it becomes desirable. That which a man must not have becomes the very thing he now must have at all costs. Coveting is the root of all other sins because it causes us to want that which is forbidden.

5) It springs from an ungrateful heart:
The covetous man doubts God’s wisdom, God’s goodness, God’s justice. God’s timing and ultimately God’s love.

Coveting is a terrible sin because it is a surreptitious attack on God himself. Those who covet are saying, “God, you haven’t taken care of me.” They are blaming God for his failure to meet their needs.

6) Coveting destroys life:
We live in the most technologically advanced generation the world has ever known. No generation has been so advanced. No generation has enjoyed our privileges.

If having more could make you happy, we ought to be the happiest people in the world. But we’re not. We’re miserable, neurotic, unhappy, confused and dissatisfied. We’re frustrated and extremely materialistic. Our marriages fail, our homes break up, our children struggle, our lives don’t hold together. We’ve got it all! And it’s still not enough! We ought to be happy… but we’re not!

7) Guard your heart:
This means pay attention to your desires. Every act was once a thought; every purchase was once a desire; every foolish word was once an idea. Coveting happens inside the heart when our desires begin to get out of control. We must guard our hearts (our minds and thoughts) for it is the starting point of all sins. We become what our minds dwell most upon.

8) Your checklist for life:
A) Don’t compare what you have with what others have. A saying goes, “What makes us discontented with our condition is the absurdly exaggerated idea we have of the happiness of others.” You can never be content nor have peace of mind as long as you keep comparing yourself and your properties with that of your neighbours.
B) Avoid impulsive desires to spend more money. Don’t make excuses for your greed. Don’t justify your foolish purchases.
C) Don’t pass unfair judgments on those who have more than we do. You have no idea what trials they may be going through.
D) Stop lying to yourselves about things which you really need when in reality they are not needs but endless wants.
Do not allow yourself to be swept away by foolish desire. Learn how to say “No”.

9) What is contentment?
Contentment is not the fulfilment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have. It is putting your trust in God to meet all your needs and thereby helping you avoid stress and preventing you from hunting for happiness in all the wrong places. Benjamin Franklin said, “Content makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor.”

10) Paul found sufficiency in Christ:
Philippians 4:11-12
“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”
In Philippians, we learn that Paul had learned to be content with what God provided, irrespective of circumstances. It is significant that Paul had to learn this virtue; contentment is not natural to most of us. Paul truly understood what it was to be in want and to have plenty. He had learned how to trust God in every particular situation and in all situations as a whole. In Stoic philosophy, “content” described a person who accepted impassively whatever came. Circumstances that could not be changed were regarded as God’s will, and fretting was useless. This philosophy fostered a self-sufficiency in which all the resources for coping with life were located within a person. In contrast, Paul locates his sufficiency in Christ, who provides strength for believers.

11) The remedy for covetousness:
Today coveting is one of the most prevalent and destructive sins. We covet money, status and success, possessions and pleasure without limits. What is the answer for the curse of covetousness? The answer is contentment. You can’t be content and covet at the same time. You can be contented or you can covet, but you can’t do both. The way to control our coveting, the desire for all forbidden fruits… is to practice its opposite, which is contentedness. Contentment is a rare quality in today’s culture, but it is extremely liberating!

12) Start being generous:
Would you like to experience the joy of freedom from coveting? It’s not that difficult. Start by giving something away to the needy. Then do it again and again. Coveting can’t stay inside a generous heart!

13) Ask God to give you a grateful heart:
This one is so simple that we miss it. Why aren’t we more grateful? We aren’t grateful because we’ve never asked God to give us a grateful heart. By nature we are covetous, greedy, grasping and unhappy. We need hearts filled with gratitude for God’s grace, love, mercy and for all the blessings he had bestowed upon us, more especially for the blessing from the cross.

14) Conclusion and Prayer:
Contentment doesn’t mean that you cannot pursue God-given goals, but it does mean that you are content with what he has provided you with, day after day. Contentment simply means, “Be happy with what you have.”

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

“Lord Jesus, you have given so much to me, more than I deserve. Give one thing more, a contented and grateful heart. Amen.”